neděle 11. října 2015

Soudní novinky 15-41 (Amal Clooney v. Cherie Blair)

Tentokrát je toho docela dost přes What’s New in Comparative Public Law z webu ICONnect (konkrétně odrážky 2 až 4), přiznávám, odkazuji.
  • Největší věc týdne je samozřejmě Schrems (CJEU, Facebook, Safe Harbour), pro ty, kteří preferují stručnost: tisková zpráva.
  • Colombian Court Rules Against Bullfighting Ban ("Colombia’s Constitutional Court overturned the ban on the grounds that it violated bullfighters’ rights to artistic expression.").
  • "Croatia's Supreme Court has overturned a nine-year prison sentence and ordered a retrial for former prime minister Ivo Sanader, who was jailed for embezzling millions of euros in public funds, a spokesman said Thursday."
  • "A German court (..) sentenced two Rwandan rebel leaders to long jail terms for masterminding massacres in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo from their homes in Germany."
  • Amal Clooney has hit back at Cherie Blair in the latest round of their increasingly bitter legal battle over the Maldives government and its treatment of the island’s former ousted leader.
  • Co čeká v novém soudním roce na americký Nejvyšší soud? Pozitivn diskriminace, antikoncepce, odbory a další lahůdky.
  • Krásná animace Ann Telnaes z WashPost k novému soudnímu roku.
  • Kdysi jsem zde o případu psal, nyní se ukázalo, že ani ve Španělsku soudy nejsou tak doleva, jak by se mohlo zdát: "One of the main European bottlers of the soda can proceed with a plan to downsize, ending a tense legal dispute over a shuttered bottling plant."
  • Steven Mazie sice začíná konstatováním, že americký Nejvyšší soud se těší nejnižší oblibě za poslední tři dekády, aby následně soudce bránil: "Unlike members of Congress, who are under no particular obligation to justify their votes to the public, the justices prepare lengthy, carefully argued opinions explaining their decisions. A cynic might dismiss these as mere rationalizations, but the lead-up to every ruling is suffused with critical analysis of reasoned arguments. The justices certainly have their biases and predilections. But once a case is on the docket, it can be resolved only through a rigorous process that culminates in an analysis of how laws, precedents and legal traditions bear on the issue."
  • "Georgia’s Constitution prohibits same-sex marriage and says the state will recognize only the union of a man and a woman as marriage and that same-sex marriages performed in others states are not legally recognized. A gay-rights group, Lambda Legal, filed a lawsuit challenging that ban. United States District Judge William Duffey on Wednesday signed an order ruling that the Supreme Court ruling means the same-sex marriage ban cannot be enforced."

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