pondělí 10. srpna 2015

Soudní novinky 15-32

Prázdniny a publikační povinnosti rovná se zpoždění...
  • Německý ústavní soud zostra k rodičovským dávkám: "On July 21, 2015, the German Federal Constitutional Court ruled that the Deutscher Bundestag lacked the legislative power to enact provisions on the care allowance, which provides money to stay-at-home parents."
  • Ukraine's Constitutional Court Approves Decentralization Bill
  • Ruský Nejvyšší soud navrhuje dekriminalizovat menší trestné činy: "In a meeting with President Vladimir Putin, Supreme Court Chairman Vyacheslav Lebedev proposed that minor crimes such as battery and petty theft be decriminalized and classified as administrative offenses. He said this would reduce the number of cases sent to court by 300,000 annually. A bill, which the Supreme Court has drafted, would decriminalize petty crimes such as battery, the use of forged documents, the threat of homicide and failure to pay alimony or child support. Penalties for these offenses would only include fines, correctional labor or community service."
  • Další soud na obzoru? "The EU has welcomed a decision by Kosovo on Monday (3 August) to set up a special war crimes court to prosecute former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)."
  • A další? Aneb Rusko v ráži (Russian Parliament Speaker Calls for Tribunal Over Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings): "An international tribunal should be set up to investigate the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to Sergey Naryshkin, speaker of Russia's Duma, or lower house of parliament, Russian state news agency Itar-Tass reports. Speaking at an event in Moscow's State Institute of International Relations, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the bombings on Wednesday evening, Naryshkin, one of Russia's most influential officials and a member of President Vladimir Putin's United Russia party, criticised international law experts, intellectuals, historians and military science experts for failing to come to a definitive stance in the aftermath of the Second World War on whether the use of atomic weapons against Japan was acceptable."
  • French court upholds ban on new cockfighting arenas. "France’s highest court, the Constitutional Council, upheld a law on Friday banning the construction of new cockfighting arenas, (..). While a law against animal cruelty prohibits cockfighting in most of France, it is allowed in the country’s northern Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, as well as in a number of its overseas territories, where the sport is considered a part of the local heritage. But the Constitutional Council dealt the sport a blow on Friday after upholding a law banning the construction of any new cockfighting arenas."
  • The Supreme Court’s Gap on Race and Juries: "(..) blacks are still being excluded from juries at disproportionate rates, especially when the defendant is black and the crime victim is white. Prosecutors have learned to game the system by providing explanations that are accepted as persuasive to judges who appear all too eager to be persuaded."
  • Zjevně důležitý britský případ k tématice mezinárodního práva a práva lidských práv: Serdar Mohammed v komentářích M. Milanovice a Alexe Conteho

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