sobota 1. března 2014

Převrat? Nebo omyl?

Jaktože v pátek odpoledne prezident a velitel ozbrojených sil Janukovič podepsal s opozicí dohodu o vládě národní jednoty a večer utekl?

Šimečka: Doufám jen, že jednou se dozvíme, jak vypadaly Janukovyčovy poslední dny ve funkci, když si například v pátek v noci uvědomil, že dostal od Evropské unie polibek smrti. Právě ona dohoda s opozicí, do níž ho hrozbou sankcí dotlačili tři ministři zahraničí EU, spustila úprk poslanců z jeho vlastní strany do opozičního tábora. Od té doby se události valí tak rychle, až mám z toho husí kůži.

Reuters: In the meeting room at the Hotel Kiev in Friday afternoon, at the moment when attempts to end the violence were almost sunk by opposition doubts, Sikorski told the activists about 1981. He and other Solidarity leaders had over-estimated their own strength, and been defeated, he said. But they eventually prevailed by striking a compromise deal with the authorities.

Sikorski: "Yanukovych did something unheard of. After signing the agreement, he went to a meeting outside the city which seems to have been planned earlier, without appreciating the psychological impact it would have," Mr Sikorski told Polish Radio on Tuesday. "Maybe he planned his escape but he had no obligation to remove the security from the government buildings and this allowed the opposition to occupy them without firing a shot," he added.

BBC: "Once the agreement was signed, it turned the tables against Yanukovych because his supporters realised his power was waning and it was time to jump ship," Konstanty Gebert, a columnist for the leading Polish daily, Gazeta Wyborcza, told the BBC.

BBC: The political pact was signed on Friday by President Yanukovych and opposition leaders after mediation by EU foreign ministers, and approved by Ukraine's parliament. …  All but one of the 387 MPs present voted in favour, including dozens of MPs from Mr Yanukovych's own Party of Regions.

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