sobota 17. května 2008

Svět podle Moralese

V Newsweeku z 12. května vyšel rozhovor s bolívijským prezidentem Evo Moralesem (plná verze tu), v němž se první domorodá hlava státu vyjadřuje mimo jiné o svém pojetí ekologických hrozeb:
"You say that capitalism is destroying the earth and bringing about the environmental problems we see today, but what alternative do you suggest?
Respect for the Mother Earth. As we [indigenous peoples] understand it, the earth is a mother, and you can't, for the sake of accumulating capital in just a few hands, turn the Mother Earth into a commodity. If we don't understand this way of living in harmony with Mother Earth, the ecological and environmental problems are only going to get worse. We can pay the ecological debt by changing economic models, and by giving up luxury consumption, setting aside selfishness and individualism, and thinking about the people and the planet earth."
V sisyfovském boji sice Moralesovi fandím, ale stejně všichni víme, že je odsouzen k neúspěchu.

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